free movement @ junction 9
what to expect:
This workshop is about creating the space to move your body outside of the structured, familiar, and prescribed ways of being a body that we experience. Together, we tune into our bodily voices and practice moving in a way that feels authentic – giving form to places within us that are unexplored or unexpressed through our movement and words. The two hours will consist of free movement (ecstatic dance) and writing to heal. For those of you new to free-movement, the purpose of this is choice and bodily autonomy while engaging with movement to play, express, and experience your bodily wisdom. You get to choose how you want to move your body. If that means laying down and listening to the music, connecting to your wild self, or waltzing your inner critic back and forth, all of it is just as it should be. This is a space for you to practice moving how you want to move, and then have time to write and integrate the experiences you have.
Please bring some water, your journal and a pen, and wear loose clothing to move in with layers to remove as you warm up. We will be moving with shoes off.
*If money is an issue let me know, I would love to find a way for you to come no matter what.